Thursday, 15 January 2015

Portrait Head Sculpture of Welsh Springer

One of the projects happening  through this year 2015
You will be able to follow the making of the portrait head sculpture and its casting into Bronze - of a special Welsh Springer Spaniel boy.
This project will be spread on a schedule to fit with the clients - but here is a taste of the individual we will be looking to capture

First stages  of armature

first clay

Working up - looking for the topline

filling out the profile and work on the nose and eye sockets

 First sketch of some ears
Building up the face and neck

Working on all the views
eyes in and working on the nose and mouth

first look with ears sketched in, mouth fuller

Neck increasingly developed

Starting to fill out the cheeks

Ready for work on site
Lovely visit with Jack and family - intensive sessions to make his likeness - helped by those who know him best.

Lovely boy - even in an eclipse!
Back to the studio to finish his  hair details, especially on those wonderful ears.

Finished and with the delighted clients